
This is a simple interface to allow simulation of inelastic neutron scattering data from phonons in Horace using Euphonic. This is done using Horace simulation functions.

General Installation

1. Prerequisites

Ensure you have both Horace and Euphonic installed:

2. Set up Python in Matlab

The Python executable that you installed Euphonic with needs to be specified in MATLAB. You can find the executable location in Python with:

>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.executable)

You can then set this executable in MATLAB (2019b or later) using:

>> pyenv('Version', '/path/to/python')

Or in MATLAB 2019a or earlier:

>> pyversion('/path/to/python')


The Python version used in Matlab can only be changed if it has not yet been loaded. If you have already installed Horace-Euphonic-Interface, Python might be automatically loaded on startup. To prevent this, disable Horace-Euphonic-Interface first in Add-Ons > Manage Add-Ons then click the \(\vdots\) symbol to the right of the add-on to bring up the settings, and untick the Enabled box, then restart Matlab. Python will no longer be loaded. Remember to re-enable Horace-Euphonic-Interface afterwards.

3. Download and Install

Latest version (recommended)

Horace-Euphonic-Interface is packaged as a Matlab toolbox (.mltbx), which allows easy installation from a single file as a Matlab Add-On. In Matlab, go to the Home tab, and in the Environment section, click Add-Ons, and then Get Add-Ons. Search for horace-euphonic-interface, select it and then click Add > Add to MATLAB. That’s it!

See here for more information on Matlab Add-Ons.

Older versions

The .mltbx file for each release is also available at https://github.com/pace-neutrons/horace-euphonic-interface/releases. Open the .mltbx file in Matlab and it should automatically be installed.

4. Test installation

To test everything has been installed ok, try:

>> euphonic.ForceConstants

If everything worked, you should see the Python type description <class 'euphonic.force_constants.ForceConstants'>.

IDAaaS Installation

Euphonic is installed in a Python virtual environment at /usr/local/virtualenvs/euphonicenv and horace-euphonic-interface is already installed in Matlab as an add-on. To use Horace-Euphonic-Interface, you just have to make sure the Python version you are using in Matlab has a compatible version of Euphonic installed. To do this, just add the following to your startup.m:

pyenv('Version', '/usr/local/virtualenvs/euphonicenv/bin/python3');


Quick Guide

To view the available functions and classes, try:

import euphonic.help
help euphonic
import euphonic.doc
doc euphonic

Because Euphonic is actually a Python program which is wrapped to be used in Matlab, its online documentation is in Python, and the default Matlab help function is not able to read this. The import commands above instead overrides the default help and doc functions to use the Python help system for Euphonic functions instead. (You can also use import euphonic.help euphonic.doc instead of using two separate import commands.)

1. Read force constants

First, the force constants must be read. The usage is very similar to Euphonic, for example to read a CASTEP .castep_bin file:

fc = euphonic.ForceConstants.from_castep('quartz.castep_bin')

Or, to read from Phonopy files:

fc = euphonic.ForceConstants.from_phonopy('path', 'quartz', ...
                                          'summary_name', 'phonopy.yaml')

To get help on these functions type:

help euphonic.ForceConstants.from_castep
help euphonic.ForceConstants.from_phonopy
help euphonic.ForceConstants.from_json_file
help euphonic.ForceConstants.from_dict

You can also type help euphonic or doc euphonic and follow the hyperlinks.

Note that in Matlab usage, a Matlab struct should be used for the dictionary in the from_dict function.

2. Set up model

Next, the model must be set up. Currently, only the CoherentCrystal model is available. The force constants must be passed in, then any other optional parameters. For example:

coh_model = euphonic.CoherentCrystal(...
   fc, ...
   'conversion_mat', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 -1],
   'debye_waller_grid', [6 6 6], ...
   'temperature', 100, ...
   'asr', 'reciprocal', ...
   'use_c', true);

To see all the available optional parameters, try one of:

help euphonic.CoherentCrystal
doc euphonic.CoherentCrystal



Pay particular attention to this parameter, this is a 3x3 matrix to convert from the q-points in Horace to the q-points in the modelling code. This will be required if you’ve used a different unit cell convention/orientation in Horace and your modelling code, and will depend on the cells chosen. If set incorrectly, the results will not make sense (or worse, may happen to make sense at first in certain cuts due to symmetry, but give incorrect results in other cuts later on!)

3. Simulate cut

In Horace, the disp2sqw_eval simulation function is used to simulate experimental data with Euphonic. This requires a function handle, which is provided by CoherentCrystal.horace_disp. Help on the horace_disp function can be seen by with help euphonic.CoherentCrystal.horace_disp.

horace_disp has 2 optional arguments, intensity_scale and frequency_scale which can be used to multiply the intensities and frequencies by a constant scaling factor. These can be used as positional arguments (note they must be in the correct order). For example:

intensity_scale = 100;
frequency_scale = 0.9
effective_fwhm = 1;

cut_sim = disp2sqw_eval(cut, @coh_model.horace_disp, [intensity_scale, frequency_scale], effective_fwhm);

They can also be used as named arguments, for example:

iscale = 100;
fscale = 0.9
effective_fwhm = 1;

cut_sim = disp2sqw_eval(cut, @coh_model.horace_disp, {'intensity_scale', iscale, 'frequency_scale', fscale}, effective_fwhm);

If the scaling parameters are to be used in fitting (e.g. in Multifit or Tobyfit), they must be used as positional arguments, for example:

iscale = 100;
fcale = 0.9
fwhm = 1;

kk = multifit_sqw(cut);
kk = kk.set_fun(@disp2sqw, {@coh_model.horace_disp, [iscale, fscale], fwhm});
cut_sim = kk.fit();

Full Example

An example script simulating a simple cut is below:

% Read in experimental cut
cut = read_horace('quartz.d2d');

% Read force constants
fc = euphonic.ForceConstants.from_castep('quartz.castep_bin')

% Set up model
coh_model = euphonic.CoherentCrystal(...
   fc, ...
   'conversion_mat', [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 -1],
   'debye_waller_grid', [6 6 6], ...
   'temperature', 100, ...
   'asr', 'reciprocal', ...
   'use_c', true);

% Simulate
intensity_scale = 100;
frequency_scale = 0.9;
effective_fwhm = 1;
cut_sim = disp2sqw_eval(...
   cut, @coh_model.horace_disp, {'intensity_scale', intensity_scale, 'frequency_scale', frequency_scale}, effective_fwhm);

% Plot